While I was browsing through random pictures on flickr, I came accross a not so impressive image. But something caught my eye. A dull green sketch was overlayed with words so true that I couldn't stop writing about it.
"Sometimes, when one person is missing, the whole world seems depopulated" - Lamartine.
Some survey shows that almost 6% of population between 18-35 yr is suffering from depression. While there are many causes of depression, one of the prime cause is loneliness. A sheer lack of anyone close to you who can understand or emphathize with you.
Unfortunate it is. But then a lot of the folks are unfortunate. You can't change your destiny. It is yours for the taking.
More than 6% of the population suffer from depression. The real number would shock you and is unknown as many individuals do nothing. Therefore depression goes unrecorded. Yet it's noticed by friends, love ones and even coworkers.
Depression is biologically based, I suggest reading up on material listed on NIMH regarding brain transmissions. Loneliness is a withdrawl from society as depression has already set in on the brain.
As for changing you destiny, we all have free will and can chose our own course in life.
nice said..
Its true... most of the populations is under this.. few have relaized it and others have not ... i guess india is also hitting the numbers badly... very true to what you ahve said
Depressão é uma doênça horrível,uma vez depressivo sempre serás depepressivo.E como foi citado ela pode ser por vários motivos,as vezes existem pessoas que passam pelo os mesmo problemas e uma fica com depressão e outras não,então depressão tem a ver como se encherga a vida,como se encherga o futuro,quem consegue ver uma luz no fundo do túnel, luta pra chegar até lá. Agora quem fica perdido em meio a um problema,se deprime.
@suzaninha....thanks for your comment..much appreciated.
can i request you to use english for the benifit of everyone :)
Very nice blog, I love it!!
It's true. Causes people to do lots of things to try and make it go away. Please read my blog about my son Duane www.duanessong.blogspot.com
i can relate, just created a blog and its what i think about my country kenya...
Loneliness is the great cause of depression. i think we must find in our circle and help all alone friends with new techniques of internet world
abhinav swara and loneliness r like cat and rat. How is rat existing when there is cat.
on a serious note, your posts are again sort of sounding like the posts of 2004-05.
oh ho, penguin is LMJ
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